Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Falling Bookshelf Obstacle

A hazard for you today. Now imagine a library full of these. What fun.

Inspiration picture from Itar's Workshop.

The stats.

    • Level 5 Blaster
    • Falling Bookshelf
    • Hazard
    • XP 200

    • A heavy, self staining bookshelf falls forward in an avalanche of leather covers and fluttering paper.
    • Hazard A bookshelf is knocked over, falling onto a hapless victim

    • Perception
    • DC 21: The character notices that all the books have slumped over to one side.

    • DC 25: The character notices that the bookshelf noticeably vibrates and wobbles when a loud noise is made or someone brushes it.

    • Dungeoneering
    • DC DC 20: The character notices the shelf looks imbalanced.

    • Trigger
    • When an adjacent character pushes the bookshelf (Strength check DC 25) or if a characters is pushed, pulled, or slid into a square adjacent to the bookshelf. A bookshelf can also be triggered by being hit by another falling bookshelf if it is in the affected area or adjacent to it, which will happen on its initiative next turn.

    • Attack
    • standard•Close blast 2
    • Attack: +10 vs. Reflex
    • Hit: 2d6+10 and the target is prone and restrained (save ends)

    • Aftereffect: The squares affected by the blast become difficult terrain until removed.

    • Miss: Half damage and target is pushed to a square adjacent to area affected by the blast.

    • Countermeasure
    • At your discretion, certain powers or items could delay the book shelf falling over—for example, web, Bigby’s icy grasp, or a wall power.

    • Countermeasure
    • An adjacent character can choose to become immobilized and helpless to hold the bookshelf up before it falls over (Strength check DC 30). If the strength check fails, or the character stops holding it, then the shelf falls. Another DC 30 Strength check can redirect the bookshelf blast.

    • Countermeasure
    • The books on a shelf can be set on fire by taking more than 5 points of fire damage. If this occurs the affected area also does 5 fire damage to any character ending or starting its turn in the affected squares.
    • Created with's DM Tools

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